日本屈指のロウブロー・アーチスト、Rockin'Jelly Bean。国内外に根強い人気を持ち続ける彼の作品の根幹に迫る初の画集がついに発売決定!
本画集はRockin'Jelly Beanが作家として活動を始めた1990年からLA躍進期、日本に帰国して独自のブランドを立ち上げる2004年頃までの作品を中心に編集。彼の生い立ちからマスクを纏い本格的に音楽を通したイラストの仕事で活躍するに至る経緯、自身の作品への執拗なまでのこだわりを、年代を追った6章のパート別構成で約240ページに集約。
Presenting Japan's greatest lowbrow artist Rockin'Jelly Bean. At long last the very first collection of this internationally popular artist's work is going to be published!
The artwork collected in this book, covers Rockin'Jelly Bean's emergence as an illustrator and musician in the early 90's; his experience as an artist in LA; his founding of an original brand and his triumphant return to Japan in 2004 and after. The 240 pages of this book give a detailed insight into his methodology and into his development as an influential creative.
The unique Rockin'Jelly Bean constantly strives to capture the female form in sexier, cuter and more stimulating ways. All this has been preserved for eternity in this ultimate collection!!!
UV (spot varnish)
6 Color prints and specialist printing:
Around 80% of the work in this hard cover art book has been re-produced from hand rendered original artwork. Carefully selected quality paper, specialist inks, 6 color prints and the latest printing techniques have been used to faithfully re-produce Rockin' Jelly Bean's artwork in print.
Rockin'Jelly Bean's creative evolution:
Plotting Rockin'Jelly Bean’s rise from designing flyers, posters and record jackets for his band Jackie & The Cedrics to his development into an original international artist. Detailed printing guides and sketches also give a rare insight into this artist’s technical excellence.
Mixed culture, multi-genre artist:
240 pages packed with record covers, flyers, posters, action figures, fashion design, Kustom Kulture, rough sketches, photos, animation work and the story behind two brands (Erosty Pop! and Erostika).
自身のバンド、ジャッキー&ザ セドリックスはじめ数多くのバンドマン達のフライヤー、ポスター、レコードジャケットを飾ったRJB特有のオリジナルタイポワークスとイラストは圧巻。 デザイン、印刷指定などを自ら行っていた頃の指定原稿も必見!
■アート音楽/フィギュア/ファッション/カスタムカルチャー ミクスドカルチャーの先駆!